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Why the Metaverse will be Verified Human Dominant

Buckle up! It's time to rant.

Companies like Facebook calling themselves META or saying they are now developing web5 because web3 is a flop are foolish and show they are out of touch. We can just name it something else and their name means nothing too. The fact big companies are trying to corner the "decentralized" market is affront to everything web3 stands for. Everyone who is anyone in crypto should be up in arms about big corporations dominating in the space.

I would take this metaverse any day... over META.

META might make the best product and develop the best VR goggles. But I'd take this clunky thing (below) over META's sleek designs any day, just to spite big corps trying to take over.

By the way, that's Keanu Reeves in the data smuggling movie Johny Mnemonic (1995 movie release). Mnemonic being another word for a type of encryption way beyond what was used in the world at the time the movie was made. I wouldn't doubt even this dystopian future was a foreshadowing of crypto before its inception; like how Star Trek pushed our imaginations towards cell phones, tablets, and touch screen displays.

There were a lot of these movies before the matrix and before crypto was a thing. it was only a matter of time before someone made the encryption tech and metaverses, like the Disney remake of that VR movie called TRON.

The original TRON movie released with crappy old school graphics way back in 1982. Graphics and special effects like the original Star Trek TV series; very imaginative, to be sure.

It was all just a matter of time until we had crypto.

TRON 1982 - Steven Lisberger Director - movie scene.

Star Wars with their Royal Galactic Credits also set up the crypto theme. Star Trek's digital currency that was almost never spoken of but people worked and progressed through social ranks anyway. There was and we all know (like with the Firangi) there was currency in Star Trek. It simply took a back seat to everything else. The improvement of humanity was always the focus of Star Trek and a theme of "enough resources for all."

Star Trek original series. Captain Kirk shooting some invulnerable shielded dude.

The emergent metaverse...

Where does Derby Stars fit into all that? Where ever they want to really. Derby will be one of the 3D websites on the collection of 3D available metaverses, if we go 3D immersive.

But if you ask me there will never be an end to web2. Some people prefer books over kindle. Some people will continue to prefer 2D web2 over 3D web3.

Just like there's still radio. Just like there is still bank tellers even though we have automatic teller machines (which were supposed to replace the bank tellers). who knew... people like to interact with people rather than a soulless button machine.

The metaverse will largely be a place where people interact with NPC AI that becomes very very good... and still dominantly verified human interaction. I believe people will demand the "verified human" and NPC designation or people will just have no interest to interact as much Part of the joy of getting a mobile phone is the cute real human on the other side of the desk you can flirt with or otherwise be charmed by. Unless the AI NPCs are actual autonomous robotic self sufficient liberated machines you can marry... then maybe. Even then it would be highly useful to know if you are interacting with a synthetic or organic (which could be very useful for child rearing ambitions).

People will still prefer to talk to verified humans even if the AI can trick you into thinking and never doubting they are sentient. They may be fully functional in most every way but the fact is that most all technologies added will simply be added and not purely dominant. We will have more options than ever before, as we progress, and the future is a happy place.

I've thought about these topics a lot, even our genetic future. If you ever want to chat with me about biology, aging, genetic adaptation for space exploration or cosmetic augmentation, metaverse, crypto, and these kind of futuristic things hit me up. Until next time, keep your chin up...

Dream big! Shoot for the stars.

- ZymaPro

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