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Your biggest fear in Fortnite?

Updated: Mar 26, 2020

- Elimination by Trap Kills - Loose Cannons - Account Being Hacked/Loosing Bought Skins (common) - Fall Damage - vBucks Because I Get Beat When Dad Finds Out - Gordon Ramsey Skin - People W Keying in Sniper Shoot Out to Barrel Snub You (because they have no gun skills) - The Actual End of Fortnite (common) - End Game Sweats (common) - Getting Pickaxed by Sweats - Heart Attack Just Seeing All These Fears - Lag (common) - Packet Loss (common) - Fortnite Continues - Elimination by the Weapon You Were Landing On (common) - Zero Point Blackout Again - Great Wall of China Builders - 1v1 and Your Toddler is in Range of Console Buttons - Skull Troopers in the Final 10 - Being Killed by a Bot (common) - Playing Solos - Killed by Ninja - Running out of Mats (common) - Playing with Randoms - 3rd Party - Being in the Top 5/or Even 2 - Being a Potato Loosing Face (common) - Sniped Out of Nowhere (common) - Suddenly Ended While Meding - Mechs Returning - Build Busters - Death by Fall Damage Tip Toe Touching a Tree - Polar Peak - My Aim - Forced to Play on Mobile/Down WiFi - TTVs in the End Game - Forced Storm Engagements - Shot While Rotating - Building - RPGs

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