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How to Win Contests More Often

You have a 10% chance of winning the first round of ZymaPro's Guessing Game Show on Fortnite YouTube. This means you have a 90% chance of loosing. Hope and dream big. Expect challenges.

In all of the time KarenDino's Guessing Game Show has existed I have seen chances play out (as they do) very randomly. This is exactly the point. However, I have noticed certain people winning again and again.

1. Play Calm

You are more likely to win if you are a calm sort of person. Call it the law of attraction or possibly just call it favor. I have noticed one thing in my experience hosting the giveaways. The more calmly you play the giveaways day in and day out the more often you win. Being anxious on the other hand and easily excited you will limit your clarity of thought. Calmly playing any luck based situation enhances your ability to be strategic where strategy may apply or apply calculated speed when quickness may apply.

2. Play Often

Hands down, you will win more often the more often you play your chances. Showing up now and then will restrict your chances to win often. I have seen a lot of people win often with the deciding factor clearly being the fact they have participated more often than anyone else. The more you show up the more chances you give yourself to win. If you want 3 to show up on a 6 sided die roll it enough times. It will come up.

3. Play For Fun

You will be more calm if you find participating fun. This loops back to the first point. I want the process to be fun for everyone. It will inevitably be a painful for the fact you will more often loose. Some of the giveaways we play speed and focus are required. While the reality is that you will 90% of the time loose over time it is our hope to make it a fun experience where memories may be created together. Playing for fun and properly adjusting your expectations to bring yourself back to a calm state. It isn't magic. It's self care and about keeping your wits while you position yourself in activities that will eventually get you what you hope for.


For you to win more often and get the best results play calm, play often, and more importantly Play for the Fun of it all. Life goes by too quickly to not enjoy it for what it is as it passes. Ups and downs, wins and losses, take it all as it comes and enjoy the beauty and the tragedy of all of life. We are gamers. We game. We live.

Shoot for the stars! Dream big.

- ZymaPro

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