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Building and Nurturing Strong Connections within Your Community.

We've been working hard to add value to our community and have implemented a few strategies to do so. These include:

  • Giveaways

  • An entertaining approach

  • Building a community

We hope that these efforts provide opportunities for us to get to know each other and share a common interest. But we don't want to stop there. We want to do more and be more, both individually and as a group.

It's important to note that we care about each and every one of you. We are all just human beings, trying to make the most of our lives. Some of us may have hidden skills or knowledge that we can share, or even just a listening ear. I, personally, have an interest in coaching and am often described as impartial, anchoring, open-minded, and sensitive. While not everyone may feel comfortable sharing personal information with me, I hope that you appreciate knowing that there is someone available to listen and offer support.

While we hope for success for our channel, we also understand that success is meaningless if it doesn't benefit others. We don't need success to care about each other and to show kindness to one another. It's as simple as reaching out to a friend, asking them how they are doing, and really listening to what they have to say.

Speaking of connecting with others, did you know that each of us has the ability to influence 150 people in a real way? And, typically, we have 2-3 close friends and up to 7 in our close circle out of those 150. If you have fewer close friends, don't worry – it's not a bad thing. As the African proverb goes, "To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together." Sometimes we need to minimize our connections in order to pivot and change directions, and that's okay. We can always make new, close connections as we move forward. And don't forget – online friends who you feel you can share anything with also count as close connections.

It's also worth noting that research shows that we can typically maintain and add value to no more than 150 individuals in our social circles. So, if your social media accounts have fewer followers, that's totally normal. The key is to try to get to know those individuals and really make an impact on their lives.

With all of this in mind, we have an opportunity to make our channel a meeting place for all of us to reach higher and go further. If our conversations and interactions lead to new ideas that inform the direction of the channel, we will achieve great things – together. We value your input and would love to hear from you about what else we can do to add value. Please don't hesitate to reach out and share your thoughts.

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