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Are Fortnite players bots?

Yes! and also no and also yes.

In this blog post I'll be talking about the bot system, when it was implemented, and my perspective on how the changes have impacted Battle Royale game play for players globally.

Hi. I'm ZymaPro. I've been playing and streaming Fortnite since 2018 (Season 4). I've seen a lot of changes. At first the bot system was not welcomed by the community. Many people complained about AI and how it would negatively impact the game. While early versions of the AI system were not perfect they were also not terrible at all.

The early AI system gave us NPC bosses that would attack and destroy us if we weren't extremely careful. We got sharks and other NPC dangers to play with as well. Some of the earliest bots in the game were not the player NPCs that look like everyone else on the map but NPCs that were part of the storylines.

Player NPC Bots Drop from the Battle Bus!

We have seen bots in game as players since the end of 2021 roughly. It's in the past anyway. Do you really care about trivia? Bots are in game now and they started as boss and story NPCs, sharks, and other things.

The current bot system for Fortnite is (and was always planned to be) for only the beginning stages of Battle Royale. If your player rank is beginner or low you will have a lot of bots in game with you. Be careful though because some people use this to their advantage and pretend they are a bot to throw you off. The bots themselves are also getting better and will eliminate you given the chance.

Level up your skills in Fortnite by winning matches, eliminating, and also by collecting materials and surviving. There are many in game aspects that are weighted with points (even long before any bot system). I believe it is and was how your round EXP is calculated. But now it also counts towards your score as a player and what rank you should fall under.

What has the bot system changed?

It's a lot less savage for new players dabbling in Fortnite. For those of us who liked how savage and "Lord of the Flies" Fortnite was it was definitely also a little too savage. Especially after people started building like wizards after season 5 through to chapter 2. Things were getting mad insane for new players as you would be in a lobby with Joe Swetty Boy Mc Guff who would build a fortress in your face.

Lord of the Flies (movie) - A group of youths find themselves on an island alone with no adults. They form tribes and resolve conflicts.

Pros and the beginner players would all be in the same lobbies together. For those with skills you looked like a god. For those beginning players you had to learn how to build before playing or just go in to get rekt and be other people's bot. "It was a joy to be rekt by you ser!"

That's where we come to the fact bots have always been in the game, and bots are at EVERY skill level, AND there are bots in real life (I'll get to that fun fact at the end). One's own level of just how bot they are is relative to how many good players are above them. If you're a bot it simply means others think you play badly enough that most of the people in the match are more skilled.

Basically, if anyone wins a 1v1 over you they can call you their bot NPC. You entered the match just to get rekt by them. That's the most literal sense but it also is a simple taunt to get under people's skin. All communication is emotional so just translate it as "Yes! I won and you didn't. I feel powerful!" I guess. lol

The game used to be more savage and that made it more challenging and a bigger thrill when you won a Battle Royale match. So, that's been diminished. People also continue to get better at the game. So, there's an unperceived cloud of awesomely skilled players above you as you begin to learn Fortnite skills. Just dropping into Battle Royale used to make you or break you. It pushed normal players to be better players. Now I find I can easily be apathetic and enjoy battling others at my skill level and enjoy the game.

It has improved the atmosphere for new players and the enjoyment of the game is more sustainable now. It's not as thrilling as it used to be (as you used to drop in the same lobby with potential pro players). It is also more easily enjoyable to take at your own pace now and play your play style. You're still playing the exact same games, meta, and mechanics as the pros and you can become one. It is immediately less challenging to push you to improve your skillset.

The drip of the tea...

There are NPC bots in Fortnite. Bot's changed the game forever. Some good changes some bad. There were always bots in the game but those were human and you may notice bots in real life after this next side note.

Experts say that 98% of your day is ran by subconscious habits. People make decisions based on emotional situations throughout their life. Their experiences form them and beliefs, general and specific, are formed. What is said, what emotion to react with, and what actions to take are largely chosen before we are ever in the current situation. Very few people operate in the remaining 2%. Like it or not it is exhausting to do so.

Our subconscious is an automation tool for energy savings. You will feel it most definitely when you are in school and teachers are pushing you to learn something new. It sux. You have to come out of your previous skillset and beliefs to actively engage with new ones never encountered. This is both a super power to know as well as helpful for managing your expectations of others.

For one, you can if you wish change what you think and believe, what you say in the moment, what you do in the moment, how you react emotionally in the moment. You like everyone else is a bot with subconscious programming. You can also use this knowledge to hack your mind to get insanely good at Fortnite. You are a bot but you can be a super bot.

Have I lost you? Are these new concepts? 2% is still hella powerful. 1% effort every day in any skill set you want to add to your life or change you want to make add up to 365% change in the year. Which means with consistent good effort every day you can be 100% who you want to be in about 4 months. Aim for that only if you've attempted it before. lol Otherwise aim for the whole year. You need to know what and how to change. If you don't have a guide or coach or have done mad changes to your life before 4 months would be unrealistic.

In any case, it isn't a bad thing to be called a bot. We are all bots for someone else. We are even bots as our subconscious is concerned. Have fun. Play Fortnite and as always...

Shoot for the stars! Dream big.

- ZymaPro

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