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3 things you should know about ZymaPro...

First, some things you may already know from following me:

  • Fortnite Live Streams Giveaways and Family Friendly Fun

  • I live in Canada.

  • There are 3 of us at the studio.

I started YouTube to find something others needed help with and help.

I started the channel in 2018 to do just that. We were then operating out of a 2 bedroom apartment. It was quite nice and I miss the atmosphere of south Edmonton a lot. But we have definitely been through our struggles.

I met my now wife in 2014. Marrying in 2015 I sank all my finances, selling everything, into the wedding. Previously I lived a life of immense generosity.

My mother passed away more than a decade previous to getting married. The very first thing I cried about in the tragedy of that moment was she would never meet my wife or my children. She passed in a motor accident. As we walked for help after our car had stalled a young man was coming home from work a little too fast and the next thing I knew I was looking at her shoe, then into her eyes for the last time, and sitting beside the young man to comfort him.

I'm a kind gentle soul. It was completely out of my mind to put the young man through any more as he would also be dealing with the tragedy of those moments for a very long time. When it was proposed to me that I sue him it was an immediate no. They said it would be his insurance that would pay it but I did not want to cheapen my comfort to him while sitting beside him on the road and lay on his burden the knowledge of some lawsuit.

He might have wanted to take care of us some way financially that way and it would have been right to press that by law. But it wasn't my way. I had and have a huge heart for others even at such a deep emotional and physical expense. The depth of this one moment, this one story, tells you everything you need to know about my kindness and generosity. I will put myself to the sacrifice for others. I will lay down myself if there is a meaningfully pure gesture that has long standing impact.

There was money I got from that incident but it was purely from my mother's death benefit. I took it and did the only thing I could think to do with it at the time. My passion was deep, my love for the world broad; I went to another country and it was the seed money of me helping abroad for the span of 10 years total. I had been doing that already. I did it still almost immediately after my mother's passing.

While abroad I was a teacher's assistant in a kindergarten class. I don't know the impact that I had if any. Most of that part of my life was overshadowed by the deep emotions of surviving a loved one. On top of that I experienced my first muggings and encountered even more death as one of the young men I was working with at the school had been struck by lighting on a clear day. I was the only one that knew CPR. I led someone else to do compressions on his chest after I grew tired.

The saddest part of that moment was his father was also a paramedic and hours away. They were on the way and arrived only 5 min after he passed away in my arms. Time after time I have put myself in the way of others. I believe the passing of my mother, all the tragic moments before that, and all the tragic moments after that compounded so much. As is often the case, men are left to fend for themselves in North American culture. Even though I actively looked for support and for mentors opportunities evaporated as I reached out.

I'm not telling you these things so that you pity me nor that you should be sad. I am telling you these things so that you understand who you are talking to when you talk to me. I have poured out my life and my love; I have eaten bitter ashes and cried all my tears to deaf ears in the heavens and on earth. I have no more tears. I cried them all.

So bitter were the ashes force fed to me. I was alone. My heart of love turned to bitterness. Lonely, forgotten, there was no one who understood or could reach deeply into my life. If they could; at that point in my life there was nothing even a professional could have done for me. I knew I did the right things. I knew that I put myself to the tasks that were meaningful. So, in it all I had self respect but so many looked down on me I feel. What started as internal swearing became external. It even felt therapeutic but so awkward at first to swear. Only swear words could encapsulate the depth of my pain. Life is brutal and savage and beautiful. It is often the depths of our life that give meaning and richness to the heights of our life. In all these times I was sending down roots into the deep.

I now have a wife and a son. We have a YouTube channel and other socials. I went from land scaping to fully online in 2020 because of COVID and already having built a presence online. We are building for the Fortnite community to do something good for others. No one we know of is doing real Fortnite giveaways that are consistent and constantly flowing. If you want to help that feel free to ask how you can help.

For now we are happy to build and grow casually. We hope the community will be patient with us and even tell others about us as we figure out how to YouTube better. I started with nothing. I found support online as others started their channels at the same time. I had no previous experience. All cash available was largely being made online. So a channel, it's growth, it's advertising all had to be organic and using free tools. Feel free to ask me what tools I use if you're starting your YouTube journey.

Co-hosts and Staff for our channel are all sourced in house.

Meet my son. He's 5 years old at the time of writing this post. He plays piano and is learning Taekwondo. He has already performed his first piano concert.

Starting the channel together he has always seen me working and playing Fortnite. At the age of 3 he played for his first time and even managed to get 1 elimination. He is often asking me if he can play Fortnite.

We were playing and taking turns a lot and did some streams like that but it became clear to me we needed another computer. I can't play with him now because the desire to play with him, us both together playing the same matches, was so strong that I now can't bear to play alone or for us to take turns.

At the time of this post we have enough earned in web3 to buy most of the PC parts and build. So, it is only a matter of time. If you are reading this after we already have the second PC you may already know that we stream together and have a lot of family friendly fun that everyone enjoys to watch and chat with us.

My son will go to school this fall for the first time already knowing how to read.

There are so many things that we want to do for him. We are being very intentional to train and build his skills and help him form his attitudes.

When he is a young man I will see him proficient in 2 languages (Mandarin and English), he will begin to earn his own property, we will help him get into a vehicle, but more importantly he will be trained as an entrepreneur to know how money works and how to make money for himself.

I want to see him practice doing dangerous things carefully. I want to see him forming himself through experiences but also know that his mother and I are here as support as he explores life.

I'm currently walking every morning with him. We come back and have a cold water bath. I am teaching him to cook. I supervise him making whatever he wants to make for breakfast. He almost always chooses pancakes. You can see those posts on ProZyma TikTok if you can use TikTok.

He was premature by about a month. So, his speech was a little delayed (plus having to learn Mandarin and English both). His strength is a self sufficient spirit to do many things himself and a desire to challenge himself physically. He is in Taekwondo because of that, and he is cooking because I'm equipping his self sufficient attitude. "I can do it." has been flipped into "Yes, you can do it!"

I have heard that it is a psychological norm for there to be empathy for boys, girls, and women. But, there is a hard wiring in our minds to have less empathy for men. I feel in North America where everything is so individual (and the fact we aren't [hopefully] savage and archaic has bred us to be towards men) we are doing a bad job by our men and boys. It is even more important to equip them early. Give them something to fall back on; some personal skill set and strength.

Women are loud. Women's' rights are loud and they should be. There are still many inequalities in this world. We may not feel it locally but many groups are downtrodden with no voice. But in our struggles and support for every community I feel we have forgotten about raising our young men properly. We have forgotten to support our young men who have possibly never been trained, thrown to the world, and then now abused by a world wondering why they aren't men of value and values. I hope better for our world and I have seen changes recently in that regard.

For now I am so happy and grateful for my lovely wife.

My wife and I have already been through a lot. We had our son almost immediately after getting married. I wasn't willing to delay our first child's entrance into the world. It wasn't the best situation but we have established ourselves and slowly leveled up to where we are today.

We own land. We have an online presence. She is wonderfully supportive and we are partnered together in building the life we want. She is emotionally with me and things get better every day.

Having spent every dollar I had at the time to pay for the wedding we had little left over for much else. While we put so much into the wedding it was well worth it. It got us started. It got us to where we are today but it wasn't easy and still is not easy.

I was working 3 jobs and doing everything I could when we first got married. I was driving delivery, limousine, and from my own company I was landscaping so she could stay home. We moved once per year through several locations in the city. When we had our son on the way we were living in a one bedroom basement apartment barely big enough for one person. Move after move we knew we needed to be established somewhere family friendly.

So here we are.

It is now 7 years since we were married. We have been in our current location for about 2 years. We are building the life we want. We will squeeze every drop of our desire from this life and will not give up. Playing off of each other's strengths we will make it and then some. We will drag many of you into success as well for having known us so early. We will do our best to offer value back to the community never taking something for nothing.

You have our assurances and our invitation:

Dream big. Live and build the life you want. Don't let anyone tell you you can't have it. I love you.


(And yes the 3 things you should know are the 3 of us.) <3

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