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10,000 Reasons 2020 was Lit

Basically we could take a torch to 2020 and never speak of it again. Horrible year for so many people because of the pandemic. However, it cannot all be complaints. It has been the best year for me personally (other than the pandemic). I launched the purpose of the channel July 1st 2019. 18 months later we are passing 11K subscribers and still growing. This is all thanks to a community that cares about real Fortnite Giveaways and seeing an end to scams.

When we started doing the giveaways we knew early on that they were stressful and more trouble than they were worth. Slow growth with real community would have been better, but there are no legit giveaways on YouTube and this bothered us to the core.

Fortnite is a trash game. Let's not lie to ourselves. It's a trash game that basically became the most popular trash around. We love our Fortnite trash and we all deal with the glitches and bugs daily. We love it and hate it at the same time and it bonds us together as a community those who are resilient enough to love Fortnite. Many times the glitches are frustrating. Often also the glitches are funny and make the game the unpredictable chaos we know and love.

All of that said there are opportunists out there who simply don't care about the community. They care about their own growth and about taking advantage of others. Even if 75% of the Fortnite community is toxic and too young to be playing Fortnite in the first place people shouldn't be treated as trash. The 25% of Fortnite fans shouldn't suffer from giveaways reacting coldly to 75% of those who don't really deserve legit giveaways and free stuff.

Think of it this way. 1 bad apple spoils the basket of apples. A giveaway starts off strong as a small channel. They do giveaways and deal with toxic people too greedy, impatient, and self centered to care that the vbucks don't even belong to them. Depending on the person this can slowly erode a channel host to also not care anymore. So, what was once a 100% legit giveaway turns into a total scam.

The reason, I believe, we have so many scams is because so much of the population of Fortnite are too toxic to deserve them. But, that's where ZymaPro giveaways come in! We are here for you, dreaming big, and shooting for the stars.

All of life is an exchange of value. We offer legit giveaways and go through all the pains a channel goes through daily to keep them running. People get gifted and people are happy. People can get quite salty quite quickly not realizing they have more chances in the future and it's all a numbers game. The value we offer you day in and day out has up to this point been free of charge. 12 hour days. No pay. No weekends. No holidays. No gifting myself. All YouTube cash going straight back to the giveaways in 2020.

This is the kind of stuff we need in 2020. People like me (and you) doing things like this, being a part of things like this, to bring something good into the world of Fortnite YouTube. I offer my value to you guys daily. Many of you offer value back. The giveaways can not be done without you and you are continually being honoured as we do not even require subscription to enter. The whole community is appreciated and we are so very thankful for the future we are building together. I offer value. You, who can and want to, offer value back. Together we bring ZymaPro giveaways to those who deserve real giveaways. Together we make a brighter future within the world of Fortnite YouTube.

All the scams exist out there because there was no host ready or capable willing to take this on. Well, 11K subs and onwards, here I am. Will the community understand and get behind what we are building? or destroy the only 24 hour Fortnite stream with real community and the only legit giveaways. I will not quit. Don't you quit. Winning is about mentality, desire, and tenacity. I looked at my app today. We now have 1% of 1 million subscribers. That's pretty lit for a 2020 achievement. Do you know what that will look like in the future? Do you realize what that will mean for you when we get there and you have been here daily, weekly, or monthly?

You were here at the beginning of it all!

Imagine this with me. We are an 18 month old channel. Before this I was not online at all really. I didn't have a Twitter account, Instagram, Discord and I had never YouTubed before let alone had a monetized channel. Flash forward 18 months we are 11K subs and you were there. Flash forward 100K subs and you were there for the journey as a community member. Flash forward 2 million subscribers and beyond! Shoot for the stars with me.

I am not about my own success only. I am about community growth and success. I am the least selfish person I know and am in no way selfishly motivated. If it doesn't benefit others I don't want to be doing it and my pursuit of it dies. I have to have a fundamental foundation of "Does this thing matter to others?" or "Does this hold meaning and purpose to spend my life minutes on?"

Fortnite may come and go. YouTube may come and go. Nothing is certain. Nothing is stable. But RIGHT NOW I am investing my time in you and for free. I am showing you my trustworthiness. I'm showing you my capabilities. I'm bringing you value every day and while asking nothing in return also hoping for decent people like you to step up and belong to what we are doing here. We reach more. We help more. The stronger we get. The bigger we get. I set out on YouTube to help people. What are we doing and what did we find that others value? The hard stuff no one wants to do the right way. The hard stuff most people just automate and use to take advantage of others.

We have default accounts and people with a ton of skins hoping for real giveaways. But their life minutes are wasted. Not only are their life minutes wasted in the scams they are wasted in searching for real giveaways. We have people who are privileged with good parents and income and we have a ton of people across the globe (why we are 24 hour stream) who have 1$/day income parents. They are somehow online but don't have a hope for any vbucks or battlepass. But, why is it even important that people have Fortnite stuff? Belonging and being human.

Like really, do I need to say more? These are real human lives, like yours and mine, looking for legit giveaways because they want to belong to something a whole community values. It is my joy to be a small part of helping some feel they belong. It is a joy to me to serve the community and bring something sweet to 2020 and beyond. No matter what we do. No matter where all this goes I will always ever be looking out for what matters most to those with the values and goals I hold to my past, present, and future.

When we engage in computers, gaming, and digital products... they in themselves have value, but that value is also rooted more deeply. That value is rooted in the human lives they touch. Young and old. Rich and poor. The world is expansive. Our future is what we imagine it to be. Where we reach is up to each one of us, in our dreams, to not only see it, and grasp it, and taste it but to reach desperately together to touch it and make it a reality.

What is that future reality?

A YouTube channel worth it's weight in gold. That supports the values of decent society. That looks out for the weak and oppressed and does it's best to be strong and valiant in the face of all danger. That improves itself and refines itself to be the best of the best before the rest even have a chance to realize and catch up. The original. The foundation. The example. The standard of what should be common human decency online.

Today we are 10.9K subscribers. Tomorrow we are shooting for the stars.

Dream big people and get around people who don't get in the way of you believing in yourself and the good things you want for your future. With your help we will have a strong channel representing real Fortnite giveaways bringing value to the community. With your help we will reach more people with legit Fortnite giveaways online. We are Fortnite, we are Giveaways, we are Family Friendly PG13, we are gameplay with subs and friends and the best Fortnite channel on YouTube. In 2020 this channel was born. That in itself is lit.

Celebrate the present with us. Let's see the future together.

Much love and appreciation,


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